Terms and conditions
990, Biscayne Boulevard
Office 701
Miami, FL33132 - USA
© Copyright Comevents. All rights reserved. The texts, images, graphics, as well as their layout on the website of M. Thomas BERNARD are protected by copyright and other laws of protection. The content of this website must not be copied, circulated, modified or transmitted to third parties for commercial purposes.
Crédits photos : Comevents, Fotolia, Shutterstock, LMB
Unless otherwise indicated, all the brand logos are protected by the laws concerning brands.
This website has been designed with the greatest care. Nevertheless, it is quite impossible to guarantee the absence of errors and the precision of the information it contains. Any liability for loss, resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this website, is excluded insofar as it is not the effect of intentional acts or serious negligence.
The intellectual property contained in this website, such as patents, brand names and copyright material, is protected. This website authorises no licence to third parties to use the intellectual property of
In application of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on computer files and freedom of information. In accordance with article 34 of the French Data Protection law known as «Informatique et Libertés», you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete the data concerning you.
Drawings and/or 3D Models are the property of LMB and are furnished on the condition that they are not to be disclosed, reproducted in whole or in part, or used to solicit quotations from competitive sources, or used for manufacture by anyone other than LMB without written permission from LMB. The information herein has been developped at LMB's expense and may not be used for engineering evaluation and incoporation into technical specifications and other documents which specify procurement of products from LMB.
DRAWINGS / 3D Models
Drawings and/or 3D Models provide a general/visual representation of size and shape of product. Drawings, models, specifications, and other types of content may not be scale, the most recent version, or may not contain all dimension callouts.